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Focal Press Handbook For Sound Engineers

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Handbook For Sound Engineers from Focal Press At over 1,500 pages with over 1,500 drawings and pictures, Handbook For Sound Engineers by Glen M. Ballou is the new audio encyclopedia and my main "go to" technical reference. Now available in paperback and only $79.95, this handbook in addition to Ballou, is written by many established and top audio professionals like: Ken Pohlman, David Miles Huber, Dr. Eugene Patronis, Bill Whitlock, Pat Brown, Ray Rayburn and others. I like that each author contribute whole chapters in their own writing style making each a fresh read.

There are 47 chapters that cover everything from the fundamentals of audio and acoustics to design applications to test and measurement equipment and techniques. Most chapters are well footnoted and some even have detailed indices that make finding very specific topics easier and better than Google. There are plenty of mathematics used to explain the "whys" but I didn't feel I needed to know much calculus to understand everything I wanted to. Many chapters/subjects like Ballou's Attenuators require algebra and basic electronic circuit design knowledge while others like Sound System Design by Chris Foreman are real-world and very practical with many examples shown, pictures of current gear, and setup drawings and schematics.

Truly an easily accessible compendium of vast stores of information from the theoretical to the practicable, Handbook For Sound Engineers is for audiophiles, recording engineers, or anybody looking for authoritative and in-depth answers to audio and sonic questions.

For more information contact Focal Press, an imprint of Elsevier, at

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