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The Microphone Book From Focal Press

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The Microphone Book from Focal Press Noted classical music recording engineer John Eargle updates and expands on his first edition of The Microphone Book with this wondrous 365-page second edition. Besides being a "must-have" reference source for recording engineers, producers or anybody who desires to better understand and utilize mics, The Microphone Book is an engaging read from its first chapter on microphone history to the 21st chapter and Eargle's unique take on classic microphones and their influence on the art and science of recording.

Probably of most interest to the novice recordist are the many pages devoted to proper mic placement. Helpful drawings show that differences in sound pickup depend entirely on the microphone type and exactly where the mic is placed and aimed at the musical instrument. All the instruments in the orchestra are covered with many insightful recommendations and caveats necessary to begin learning this fast disappearing and exquisite craft.

From there, classical stereo recording of orchestras is taught in great and devilish detail. For beginners to the 'know it all' professional sound engineer, I can say that these chapters alone are worth double the book's price! After all when in doubt in a real-life recording situation, I would just go see how John Eargle would do it!

With many more chapters on the principles and physics of all types of microphones, microphone standards and measurements, wireless technology, surround microphones and recording, microphones in broadcast and mic maintenance, The Microphone Book is sui generis in its balanced of broad and meticulously detailed practical information.

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