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Creative Careers in Music from Allworth Press

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Authors Josquin des Pres and Mark Landsman offer an alternative guide to aspiring musicians looking for rewarding careers in the music business. Creative Careers in Music is filled with inside tips and information garnered from interviews of many industry professionals who have been successful in their specialized fields. The majority of creative people interviewed started out as everyday music fans who just loved and enjoyed music. Then, out of sheer luck, circumstantial happenstance or accident, started making money in some corner of the business.

Perhaps the biggest thrust of this book is the "cold slap of a reality check" that will steer someone to a better understanding of what it takes to have a viable future in music. There are many popular myths dispelled about the music industry coupled with up-to-date insider information...great for anyone interested in pursuing an active music career. The authors provide detailed information about a variety of musical careers such as: songwriter, composer, solo artist, group member, session musician, producer and engineer.

Creative Careers in Music sells for $18.95 and is published by Allworth Press at 212-777-8395. Buy the book on-line at: or or call Track Star Entertainment at: 310-859-5581.

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